Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why Was There a Revolution in Russia in 1905

Why was there a revolution in Russia in 1905? The 1905 revolution happened for many reasons and so a combination of factors will best explain this question. However the most important reason was the tsar and his ignorant beliefs and attitudes towards Russia. The Russo-Japanese war was a major factor in starting the revolution in 1905, the whole purpose of the war was to try and stop the thoughts of rebellion by getting the Russian people to rally for their country, however when Russia lost the Russian people lost faith in their country and their tsar because he embarrassed their country and put them in a huge national crisis.Russia’s defeat displayed the government’s incompetence which excited the social unrest that the war was supposed to stop. It also showed people incompetence of the Tsar who’s most important and essential job was to show his command of his army. Enthusiasm was the first reaction to this war, giving the country something to take its mind off, stop the rioting and focus on the winning. However, as soon as it became clear that Russia was losing for the first time to an Asian power, the people declared unrest and resumed, stronger than ever the strikes and demand for reform.Russia’s ignorance on world issues was showed and clearly laid for the people of Russia to see. The loss of the war, representing the only hope allowed the revolution of 1905 to take place, forming a large number of strikes, constant pressure on the government and the demand for reform. Russia in the 19th  and 20th  century faced economic collapses along with inflation which would test the nation’s and the people’s patience towards coming sufferings. The increasing population of Russia outlined a new milestone for the empire.A population increase demanded more from the economy and required a higher order of thought to please the entire nation. However, Russia and the Tsar were not ready for such expansion in population and backwa rd views on society only provided another reason to further damage the rising dissatisfaction. Village population had grown from 61 to 78 million between 1877 and 1905 but the land owned by peasants only grew 24. 2 percent. Clearly, there was a shortage of land, and a shortage of determination to improve the land and shortened patience to hope for better times.The emancipation of the Serfs by Alexander II in 1861 did little to solve the discontent and agitation of the working people. The view of the freed serfs was the final ownership of land in return for powering the nation’s economy and later the empire. However, the disappointment appeared when the Tsar approved freedom for the peasants, yet taxed them for living on land which they had believed to rightfully own from years of slavery. The view on autocracy was being undermined, even though there was trust in the Tsar and his connection with god.The Tsar’s ignorance on issues such as the poor living conditions for t he peasants in the country outlined a path of public dismay and questioning. While the peasants resisted questioning due to their simplicity, influence from other parts of Europe and the slow industrialisation saw them thinking about the nature of their misfortune and famine. Whilst ‘freeing the Serfs’ and granting them their ironic independence, rising  prices  along with tremendous taxes influenced the peasants to revolt, playing a part in the Russian revolution.Illegal political parties were uprising to share their discontent with Russia and their Tsar and create an outline for ideas of revolution, demands and strikes. The social revolutionaries and democrats had existed from 1901, yet public support was achieved in 1905 when living was hard, and the belief of god and the Tsar had been slowly lost. These parties were illegal, yet the Tsar could not satisfy the people in order to prove these parties unnecessary.All these political opponents were a figure of showin g the attention needed to Russia, how strong actions needed to be taken and the hunger of the people needed to be satisfied at any scale possible. The participation of these parties resulted in strikes and a build-up of the Russia changing general strike. Decisively, the build of political parties and the failure to stop their need allowed the citizens of Russia to demand and express themselves more, therefore leading to the activity of revolution and strength. Bloody Sunday’ intensified the revolutionary movement and finally ended the people’s view of the Tsar as their protector and carer. On 9thJanuary 1905, concerned workers came peacefully to address a petition, and expected the Tsar to ease their problems. However, the peaceful workers were shot at by the tsar’s soldiers before they could even reach the tsar. After ‘Bloody Sunday’, the tip of revolution was over and certainly now it stood in every person’s right to take political concern and begin strikes that would swell to form a halt in the nation. By September there were massive strikes by factory workers and railway men.Soon the country was virtually stopped by a general strike, which stopped everything Russia relied on. Overall the revolution in 1905 was started by many factors however the Tsar’s beliefs and attitudes were one of the main factors because he was so naive and ignorant. He could have stopped bloody Sunday, which was the breaking point for revolution, but instead he let his soldiers shoot his people losing any trust the Russian people had in him. He also involved the country in a pointless war to try and rally Russia together only to embarrassingly lose and display his incompetence.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Breaking All the Rules

In How To Succeed In Business By Breaking All The Rules it states that to succeed in business one must be able to use an unorthodox style which allows that person to break free from ancient ways of thinking and be able to use new ideas in developing entrepreneurial and business skills. One way this will be proven is to look at how positive thinking and motivation hamper people in making tough business decisions. Secondly, this will be proven by examining the education system, and showing that one does not always need a university education to perform in a business environment. Thirdly, this will be proven by looking at the behavioral aspects of an entrepreneur, and how an entrepreneur's thinking pattern is quite unique compared to the average person. Finally, this will be proven by looking at the illusions of management and how managers have to adapt if they want to see results. â€Å"Forget just about everything you were told about positive thinking and motivation. † Positive thinking and motivation can encumber persons in business if not executed properly. People assume that by being positive they are in turn motivating people to work hard and complete tasks without impeding their space. This is not entirely true. There is a joke that many motivational speakers tell, as an illustration of positive thinking: â€Å"A guy has tripped and fallen off the roof of a thirty-story building. He is falling toward certain death. Some one yells out the fifteenth-story window, ‘how are you doing? ‘ And the falling fellow hollers back, ‘Okay so far! ‘† This joke is not an accurate representation of positive thinking. It illustrates stupidity. This joke has taken positive thinking way out of proportion. It is okay to be positive when approaching tough situations, but a constant bombarding of motivational thoughts may in turn impede the situation overall. People are taught from the start that there are no bad ideas, and in-turn people who criticize these bad ideas are looked upon as â€Å"negative thinkers† . Cynicism can actually be a healthy practice. By seeking out and eliminating bad ideas right from the get-go, the business or corporation is able appropriately deal with the problem and in a sense â€Å"nip it in the bud†. A person can think positive all that they want, but they are still going to spill coffee on their new tie. By over-motivating a person, the same effect can happen. A person has to want to be motivated for it to work properly. â€Å"The Old Testament† of motivation states that any person can do any thing as long as they are motivated to do so. This is not entirely true. In order for a person to be motivated they must believe the idea. Sounds like an oxy-moron, but a person needs to be inspired before motivation can take place. For instance, a person needs to want a post secondary education before they can be motivated to do so. A person does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business. There is not really anything wrong with a university education as long as the person attending understands what it is and what it is not. For some careers a university education is essential. For instance, people do not look kindly to a self-taught brain surgeon. The problem is that a university education only offers you theoretical situations instead of practical life situations that can only be achieved through experiencing life. People tend to worry that without at least a degree in a particular field, they are unable to start their own lucrative business, and have the consumers take them seriously. Often people believe that without the proper credentials, it is impossible for their business to ever get off the ground. This is not true. There are many examples of companies that were started by supposedly â€Å"uneducated† people, who have turned their respective businesses into multi-million dollar corporations. For instance, Dave Thomas, founder and owner of the Wendy's Corporation. With nothing better than a grade 10 education Thomas took his first Wendy's that opened in 1969, and turned it into over 4000 locations across North America. Thomas was credited with hard work and life skills that helped him in his venture. From working as a busboy in a small town diner, to cooking for thousands as a chief in the army, Thomas learned the skills needed to create a lucrative business without any formal education. There are thousands of examples of entrepreneurs with no formal education that have made it in the business world. The most important thing to understand is that a business can only go as far as the people are willing to take them. Meaning that if you want to be successful you can encourage your self to take it to the next level without formal education. If you have a formal education, by all means make the most of it. But never use lack of formal education as an excuse and never let yourself feel inferior to those with better formal educations. There is abundant proof that you can reach just about any heights in business without college or even high school education if you will do the things necessary to otherwise obtain the information and master the skills specifically relevant to your objectives. Entrepreneurs are not always the best educated, but share a thinking pattern unlike those of regular people and are able to take any business with a solid foundation and turn it in to a productive money-making machine. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, one must be able to go against the grain of normal business practice and be able to perform at a pace where they leave the competition in the dust with no remorse. The old saying: â€Å"there are no rules when it comes to love and war† also applies to entrepreneurs in business. An entrepreneur must be able show no compassion towards anybody in order to get the job done. It sounds cruel, but some of the most successful people in business today have no remorse for their competition. For example, Mark McCormack the creator of International Management Group (an athlete management corporation) started off with little more than a $1000 and a hand shake, but developed his business into a multi-million dollar corporation by leaving his competition way behind. McCormack was able to do something that had never been attempted before. Many companies fail to place a premium on the real dollar worth of their expertise, or what it would cost an outsider to learn what they already know. McCormack was able to market his knowledge to companies that were unaware of what they really had inside. By showing them what they already new, but by changing the way that they marketed the product McCormack was able to, almost over night, turn a small company distributing out of a barn, into a power house in today's sports entertainment industry. McCormack did not accomplish such a feat by caring about the little guy. In most cases, entrepreneurs are able to set aside their morals and values and go in for the kill. Successful entrepreneurs have a different way of approaching tough business decisions than the average person. They do not look at the situation or problem as how it affects the other guy, but how it affects them. When making tough business decisions, an entrepreneur must ask if solution best suits him, or if it best suits morality? In order for the entrepreneur to succeed, the solution must best suit his needs and not the needs of the other guy. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs often find themselves debating on whether or not to charge customers most money the can for their product or service. They feel that by undercutting prices they are in-turn helping themselves to sleep better at night, but you cannot sleep if you cannot afford a place to sleep. In order to be self-sufficient, entrepreneurs must give up morales and values and be able to do what best suits them. The same is true for management in that if the want results from their workers then they must be able to adapt their style to best fit the interests at hand. There is a fairy tale about managers in business, especially big business: â€Å"that corporate leaders are conservative, rational, deliberate people who arrive at important decisions only after carefully weighing a wealth of data and information. † In most cases managers and corporate leaders rely on their staff to provide them with the information needed to make these tough business decisions. Mangers then are faced with the consequences if the result is less than â€Å"kosher. † As the old saying goes: â€Å"if you want something done right you have to do it yourself† applies when it comes to managing a top firm. In order for a manager to succeed, they must adapt their staff into a well-oiled machine that works for the most common goal. Managers have to set goals and limitations and make sure that their staff follow the guidelines appropriately for maximum production. Managers cannot baby their staff, as they cannot afford to lend the time in a high-speed industry or business. â€Å"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. † It is the managers responsibility to weed out those that are not able to perform with the rest of the unit, and in-turn hire people with the skills that best fit their own goals and ambitions. Managers also must be able to go on their own instincts and not always follow facts and figures alone. A good manager is able to assess the situation and then make a decision based on their gut reaction. With these tools a manger is able to â€Å"succeed in business by breaking all the rules. † Managers must use an unorthodox style which allows them to break free from ancient ways of thinking to develop new skills that will help them perform better in their respective businesses. By understanding that positive thinking and motivation can be taken out of context, one can be inspired to change the way that they approach tough business decisions. By also understanding that one does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business, but by utilizing life experience they can relate business problems to real life situations, and can then solve the problem with their best interests in mind. Finally mangers and entrepreneurs must think of themselves first, and then, and only then, will they be able to successfully attack tough business decisions. Breaking All the Rules In How To Succeed In Business By Breaking All The Rules it states that to succeed in business one must be able to use an unorthodox style which allows that person to break free from ancient ways of thinking and be able to use new ideas in developing entrepreneurial and business skills. One way this will be proven is to look at how positive thinking and motivation hamper people in making tough business decisions. Secondly, this will be proven by examining the education system, and showing that one does not always need a university education to perform in a business environment. Thirdly, this will be proven by looking at the behavioral aspects of an entrepreneur, and how an entrepreneur's thinking pattern is quite unique compared to the average person. Finally, this will be proven by looking at the illusions of management and how managers have to adapt if they want to see results. â€Å"Forget just about everything you were told about positive thinking and motivation. † Positive thinking and motivation can encumber persons in business if not executed properly. People assume that by being positive they are in turn motivating people to work hard and complete tasks without impeding their space. This is not entirely true. There is a joke that many motivational speakers tell, as an illustration of positive thinking: â€Å"A guy has tripped and fallen off the roof of a thirty-story building. He is falling toward certain death. Some one yells out the fifteenth-story window, ‘how are you doing? ‘ And the falling fellow hollers back, ‘Okay so far! ‘† This joke is not an accurate representation of positive thinking. It illustrates stupidity. This joke has taken positive thinking way out of proportion. It is okay to be positive when approaching tough situations, but a constant bombarding of motivational thoughts may in turn impede the situation overall. People are taught from the start that there are no bad ideas, and in-turn people who criticize these bad ideas are looked upon as â€Å"negative thinkers† . Cynicism can actually be a healthy practice. By seeking out and eliminating bad ideas right from the get-go, the business or corporation is able appropriately deal with the problem and in a sense â€Å"nip it in the bud†. A person can think positive all that they want, but they are still going to spill coffee on their new tie. By over-motivating a person, the same effect can happen. A person has to want to be motivated for it to work properly. â€Å"The Old Testament† of motivation states that any person can do any thing as long as they are motivated to do so. This is not entirely true. In order for a person to be motivated they must believe the idea. Sounds like an oxy-moron, but a person needs to be inspired before motivation can take place. For instance, a person needs to want a post secondary education before they can be motivated to do so. A person does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business. There is not really anything wrong with a university education as long as the person attending understands what it is and what it is not. For some careers a university education is essential. For instance, people do not look kindly to a self-taught brain surgeon. The problem is that a university education only offers you theoretical situations instead of practical life situations that can only be achieved through experiencing life. People tend to worry that without at least a degree in a particular field, they are unable to start their own lucrative business, and have the consumers take them seriously. Often people believe that without the proper credentials, it is impossible for their business to ever get off the ground. This is not true. There are many examples of companies that were started by supposedly â€Å"uneducated† people, who have turned their respective businesses into multi-million dollar corporations. For instance, Dave Thomas, founder and owner of the Wendy's Corporation. With nothing better than a grade 10 education Thomas took his first Wendy's that opened in 1969, and turned it into over 4000 locations across North America. Thomas was credited with hard work and life skills that helped him in his venture. From working as a busboy in a small town diner, to cooking for thousands as a chief in the army, Thomas learned the skills needed to create a lucrative business without any formal education. There are thousands of examples of entrepreneurs with no formal education that have made it in the business world. The most important thing to understand is that a business can only go as far as the people are willing to take them. Meaning that if you want to be successful you can encourage your self to take it to the next level without formal education. If you have a formal education, by all means make the most of it. But never use lack of formal education as an excuse and never let yourself feel inferior to those with better formal educations. There is abundant proof that you can reach just about any heights in business without college or even high school education if you will do the things necessary to otherwise obtain the information and master the skills specifically relevant to your objectives. Entrepreneurs are not always the best educated, but share a thinking pattern unlike those of regular people and are able to take any business with a solid foundation and turn it in to a productive money-making machine. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, one must be able to go against the grain of normal business practice and be able to perform at a pace where they leave the competition in the dust with no remorse. The old saying: â€Å"there are no rules when it comes to love and war† also applies to entrepreneurs in business. An entrepreneur must be able show no compassion towards anybody in order to get the job done. It sounds cruel, but some of the most successful people in business today have no remorse for their competition. For example, Mark McCormack the creator of International Management Group (an athlete management corporation) started off with little more than a $1000 and a hand shake, but developed his business into a multi-million dollar corporation by leaving his competition way behind. McCormack was able to do something that had never been attempted before. Many companies fail to place a premium on the real dollar worth of their expertise, or what it would cost an outsider to learn what they already know. McCormack was able to market his knowledge to companies that were unaware of what they really had inside. By showing them what they already new, but by changing the way that they marketed the product McCormack was able to, almost over night, turn a small company distributing out of a barn, into a power house in today's sports entertainment industry. McCormack did not accomplish such a feat by caring about the little guy. In most cases, entrepreneurs are able to set aside their morals and values and go in for the kill. Successful entrepreneurs have a different way of approaching tough business decisions than the average person. They do not look at the situation or problem as how it affects the other guy, but how it affects them. When making tough business decisions, an entrepreneur must ask if solution best suits him, or if it best suits morality? In order for the entrepreneur to succeed, the solution must best suit his needs and not the needs of the other guy. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs often find themselves debating on whether or not to charge customers most money the can for their product or service. They feel that by undercutting prices they are in-turn helping themselves to sleep better at night, but you cannot sleep if you cannot afford a place to sleep. In order to be self-sufficient, entrepreneurs must give up morales and values and be able to do what best suits them. The same is true for management in that if the want results from their workers then they must be able to adapt their style to best fit the interests at hand. There is a fairy tale about managers in business, especially big business: â€Å"that corporate leaders are conservative, rational, deliberate people who arrive at important decisions only after carefully weighing a wealth of data and information. † In most cases managers and corporate leaders rely on their staff to provide them with the information needed to make these tough business decisions. Mangers then are faced with the consequences if the result is less than â€Å"kosher. † As the old saying goes: â€Å"if you want something done right you have to do it yourself† applies when it comes to managing a top firm. In order for a manager to succeed, they must adapt their staff into a well-oiled machine that works for the most common goal. Managers have to set goals and limitations and make sure that their staff follow the guidelines appropriately for maximum production. Managers cannot baby their staff, as they cannot afford to lend the time in a high-speed industry or business. â€Å"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. † It is the managers responsibility to weed out those that are not able to perform with the rest of the unit, and in-turn hire people with the skills that best fit their own goals and ambitions. Managers also must be able to go on their own instincts and not always follow facts and figures alone. A good manager is able to assess the situation and then make a decision based on their gut reaction. With these tools a manger is able to â€Å"succeed in business by breaking all the rules. † Managers must use an unorthodox style which allows them to break free from ancient ways of thinking to develop new skills that will help them perform better in their respective businesses. By understanding that positive thinking and motivation can be taken out of context, one can be inspired to change the way that they approach tough business decisions. By also understanding that one does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business, but by utilizing life experience they can relate business problems to real life situations, and can then solve the problem with their best interests in mind. Finally mangers and entrepreneurs must think of themselves first, and then, and only then, will they be able to successfully attack tough business decisions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Need for Security Essay

Security and control is needed in a custodial environment as people are sent there for a reason so if they were allowed to do whatever they want then it wouldn’t be a punishment. An advantage of having control is that the staff will always have authority over the prisoners, which is vital as they must be able to enforce discipline. Another advantage of having control is that they can keep an account of offences that prisoners have committed. This will come in useful if the prisoner has adjudication, it will also come in usual when reviewing the prisoner. Having the IEP scheme in a prison is a good thing as it encourages the prisoners to behave, this will make security and control easier to manage as the prisoners aren’t doing things they shouldn’t be. It will also make prison life for the prisoners more enjoyable, which is an advantage as it’s another reason why they won’t misbehave. Searches are needed in prisons to ensure that prisoners aren’t in possession of any prohibited items, if they do have this then it could lead to potentially dangerous situations. An example of this is if a prisoner has a weapon then they may use this against other prisoners or against staff. It is also important that searches are carried out on visitors of the prison as they will try their hardest to smuggle items in for prisoners. This is an advantage as it prevents prisoners from having things that shouldn’t, having an item like drugs will lead to gangs within the prison and this is something that must be avoided. Another aspect of security which is a big advantage to the prisoners and the officers is the dynamic side of security. Prisoner officers monitor the prisoners to ensure that they are coping with life in prison; if they aren’t coping well at all it could lead to them becoming suicidal. Prisoners could self-harm or even commit suicide if the prison officers aren’t keeping an eye on them. It is the duty of the prison officer to ensure that they look after the prisoners so letting this happen would mean they aren’t carrying out their job efficiently. Having dynamic security is a big advantage as it stops this from happening.

Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Research Proposal - Essay Example While a minimum amount of mobility of faculty is healthy, high rates of turnover exist and entrances are not favourable. The departure of any faculty member disrupts the teaching and research program and leaves the students without any familiar advice. High turnover usually leads to soaring administrative cost requirement for recruitment, selection of faculty, training and development of the new faculties. In addition, the remaining faculty shoulder the increased workloads without any increase in pay. The turnover rates can affect the prospective employees of the universities and leave a negative impact. High turnover is often associated with poor productivity, lesser job satisfaction and also stress among the members. The disruption and cost of faculty turnover has also lead to other undesirable outcomes which tend to be less noticeable than dispirited and overworked remaining faculty. In a survey conducted by Virginia University, it was analysed that the computer science department had the highest rate of turnover and the female’s undergraduates represented the highest rate of turnover. The unwanted outcome which gets associated with turnover often get exacerbated when faculty for replacement are hard to find (Cohoon, Shwalb & Chen, 2003, p. 1). According to a study conducted in Texas it was analysed that the faculty turnover rate averaged to about 6% for public universities and is said to have remained unchanged from the fiscal year 1999. The faculty turnover is lower at better and larger established universities. It was found that universities with 500 tenured had overall turnover rate of about 5% and it was 7% for other institutions (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 2001). Faculty turnover has different meanings at different ranks. For example, at the level of assistant professors, turnover reflects voluntary movements with respect to other institutions and involuntary mobility and at this stage it reflects voluntary mobility. At the profe ssor level, it reflects voluntary mobility and also retirement decisions. Studies have suggested that, in addition to other factors, the faculty member’s salary is one of the major influences leading to faculty turnover but no study has yet addressed the extent to which the salaries or compensation tends to affect the faculty turnover rate (Ehrenberg, Kasper & Rees, 1990, p. 3). As per research, it was found that the reason for faculty members to stay or leave depends on the age of the professors. The relation between the age of the faculty and rate of turnover tends to follow a U-shaped curve as researchers have found that younger members have a high rate of departure, which declines during mid-career and rises again during retirement period (Ingersoll, 2001). As per the findings from other universities, most of the universities have researched and found the reason behind the high rate of turnover mainly through primary research based on questionnaires. The respondents will be the senior professors, associate professors and also the assistant professors. The same technique was used by Texas Higher Education to arrive at the conclusion as to why the turnover rate was high (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 2001). Similarly, the Patriot University in Boston would follow the same technique to determine the problem statement of high turnover rate at the University. Research

Sunday, July 28, 2019

SZT Task 4 Disaster in Franklin County Research Paper

SZT Task 4 Disaster in Franklin County - Research Paper Example This was significant because they had to be coordinated and encouraging to tackle all cultural, social, health and material issues emerging in the community every now and then. The health workers in the local vicinity synchronized transportation, communal services, public utilities, unpaid helpers, salvage works as well as support from outside members. The public health nurse had roles to play too. They were to communicate efficiently working in partnership with the whole of health units and other groups so as, to systematize resources that were essential throughout the disaster. In the simulation, they went door to door carrying out interviews of the community members. From these interviews, it was possible to obtain safety status as well as the health of the community. During the disaster, there are several people who also participated in ensuring that the rescue mission was success. For instance, the incident commander on the ground ensured that all the nurses were posted in the r ight position. At the same time, they saw to it that the head count of all the victims were in order. The logistic chief also played a part during the disaster. It was his mandate to ensure that all the required materials and machinery were in order. This step was taken to determine the availability of food, shelter and medicine for the victims. The financial chief on the ground made things easy for the victims and doctors in ensuring that he okayed the government ad the banks to avail money that was needed to be used. The public health director of the region was the overall overseer of the entire rescue mission. He authorized everything that took place during the rescue. In order to react well to a disaster, an effectual succession of command is necessary. It is there to facilitate knowledge and coordination of groups of people as well as individuals caught up in the emigration and relief efforts. In the simulation, the chain of commands offered

Saturday, July 27, 2019

North Korea Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

North Korea - Research Paper Example According to Armstrong (2011), North Korea is currently experiencing a range of issues but the most prevalent include the poor state of the economy, which Armstrong (2011) attributes to its authoritarian leadership style that still has not implemented market reforms to improve the country’s ailing economy. Secondly, Armstrong (2011) states that the country has focused so much on funding its military operations that comprise of more than 9 million military personnel of which approximately a million are active army personnel, a fact that makes it the 4th country in the World with largest military defence force. The country’s budgetary allocation to the defense department is extremely high leaving little resource for economic development. Armstrong (2011) stated that North Koreans are grappling with harsh economy, coupled with high food prices, periodical shortage of electricity, fuel, and raw materials that cause manufacturing factories to remain inactive thus, leading to increase in number of the unemployed population. However, on the positive side Armstrong (2011) notes that the new North Korean leader has given women the freedom to wear western brands, which were restricted in the past due to their western affiliation. Secondly, the new North Korean leader has shown a new leadership style by taking the responsibility of the failed rocket launch. Such an admission was not to the norm with the North Korean leadership. The other notable current issue in North Korea is its poor relations with its’ close neighbor, South Korea of whom they are still technically at war with after failing to sign a peace treaty ever since the Korean war. The North and South currently have murky relationship because of periodical wrangles that increases the tension between the two countries. Armstrong (2011) further notes that the new leader of North Korea strained the country relationship with China after recently carrying out a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Company profile for the media company HBO (Home Box Office) Term Paper

Company profile for the media company HBO (Home Box Office) - Term Paper Example The channel is expanding its broadcast continuously by licensing its broadcast to television networks and presently people of about 151 countries around the world are enjoying its original programs. At the same time, HBO’s branded premium pay and basic cable networks are operating in about 50 countries of Latin America, Central and Western Europe, and some parts of Asia as well ( At the end of 2011, it had about 81 million global subscribers out of which 42.5 million are international premium pay and basic cable subscriber while rest of 39.4 million are nationwide premium pay subscriber. HBO is available in HD on number of multiplex channels like Direct TV, Cox Communication, Xfinity, Time Warner Cable, and Dish Network etc. The year 2011 is the fourth consecutive year when HBO has won 4 Golden Globes award more than any network while it has been the 10th consecutive year when it has won 8 Sports Emmys and 19 Primetime Emmys in 2011 (HBO Annual Repor t, 2010). Strangers No More, a documentary film of HBO received Academy Award for the category of Best Documentary. 1. What do they do in media? HBO mainly operates television films, comedy shows and concerts, motion pictures and original series, and occasionally boxing matches via cable, direct broadcast satellite (DBS), C-band satellite, and microwave (MMDS). The network has offered HBO On Demand. It means HBO has given a wonderful option to its subscriber to watch its programs according to their own schedule. A big share of HBO’s programs consists of egalitarian theatrical motion pictures. For this purpose, HBO acquires license agreements from the producers or distributors of such recently released films. Under such agreements, HBO gets exclusive rights to broadcast and distribute recently released or old films. The license agreement always depends on the performance of films on the box office. High-quality award winning original comedy and theatrical series is another bro adcast segment of HBO e.g., Boardwalk Empire, Curb Your Enthusiasm, True Blood, and Boardwalk Empire. Besides these, HBO also shows boxing matches, family programs, sports news, and commentaries. 2. How long has this business been in operation, what is their history? Charles Dolan, one of the pioneers of cable networks systems in United States of America, presented the business plan of ‘Green Channel’ to Time Life Inc. On 8 November, 1972 the channel became Home Box Office or HBO (Forsyth, 2002). ‘Sometimes a Great Notion’ was the first ever program aired on HBO. In 1973, Time Life Inc took over the control of newly established channel as Gerald Levin became the first President as well as CEO of HBO. Initially churn rate from subscribers was so high. HBO was tumbling and any debacle could have been occurred. At that time, Levin introduced the broadcasting in Massachusetts. Here a preview of service was offered for free on Channel 3. This offer showed promis ing results as HBO gained a good number of subscribers. Later on the same strategy was applied in other states. On 30th September 1975, HBO put on air the first ever live boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier and thus became the first television channel which delivered the telecast through satellite medium ( HBO launched its companion network Cinemax in 1980 which is still very popular and known for its late night soft-core adult shows and series. In 1981, HBO extended its broadcast from 09 hours to 24 hours. In 1983, HBO presented its first kids’ show. Until 2001, HBO showed number of programs for children when these programs were shifted entirely to HBO Family channel. The decade of 80s

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The question is on karen tranberg hansen's book salaula. the world of Essay

The question is on karen tranberg hansen's book salaula. the world of secondhand clothing and zambia - Essay Example The country, which takes its name from the river Zambezi, has been on a path of continual economic decline due to the continuing low worldwide market for copper (the main export of Zambia) and a reduction in the country’s copper reserves. After late 19th century, the flourishing trade in secondhand clothing in the West (in London, a great clothes market rejoiced in the name of ‘Petticoat Lane’) dried up mainly because imports of new clothing from developing countries were easily available and affordable. Of total world exports of secondhand clothing (estimated by the United Nations in 1995 at 1.4 billion, the U.S. being the biggest exporter), about a quarter goes to sub-Saharan Africa. In the early 1990s secondhand clothes were America’s eighth largest export to the region. Britons are known to discard about 1 million tons of old clothes each year: this figure does not include an estimated 200,000 tons of old clothes that are recycled to be worn again or used in the industry. There are two social groups discussed in the book. The first is â€Å"Rainbow Children’s Hospice† in Leicester in the U.K that raises funds for charity. The second is â€Å"Scope†, an organization in the U.K to help people with cerebral palsy. Scope has about 900 clothes banks in the U.K; 760 of them are owned directly by it; the balance 140 are owned by sub-dealers (such as Ragtex U.K located in Ashby-da-la-Zouch) licensed to use the Scope name. Each sub-dealer donates  £100 a year to Scope’s charity fund. Dana Simons, the owner of the blouse that makes the historic journey in the novel, is a high school teacher who teaches home economics, food and nutrition in a school in Leicester. Dana is also a professional fundraiser at the Rainbow Children’s Hospice in the same city. Gerald Commel is the Managing Director of Ragtex U.K, sub-dealer of Scope’s clothes banks, which operates a textile recycling plant

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Synthesis Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Synthesis Discussion - Essay Example However, commercialization of the television new and advertisement has remained the focal point where the most politicians have complete control over their images. In the political ad, a bad politician may be framed as a strong and good leaders who can serve well his or her people a strategy that may try to raise his ethos with his followers. Television commercials use all kinds of fictions stories, filmmaking like scripts, visuals and even editing so as to put the major campaign themes of most candidates into a few powerful political image (Goodrum & Godo, 2011). This increases elicit emotional reactions thereby inspiring support for a candidate or creates doubts about their fellow opponents. As television commercialization reflects major styles and techniques of the time periods in which they were made, most important strategies and massages have remained unchanged for a very long period of time. It must view the functions of the leaders as that of a parent whose major role is to protect the whole family from external aggression of the

Ddbates concerning knowledge are not relevant to accounting and its Essay

Ddbates concerning knowledge are not relevant to accounting and its practice - Essay Example As such, knowledge has its limits; some synthesis of object matter is needed through reasoning to create understanding. To objectively generate new knowledge various sources of knowledge exists that include; induction, intuition, observation, experience, testimony, and introspection among others. Plato cautions that those seeking to understand knowledge must distinguish it from opinion. For example, accounting statements have to be viewed objectively other than subjectively in creating reality and true knowledge. In my view, knowledge is fixed, absolute, and eternally true while opinions are changeable. Therefore, for one to be a true knowledge seeker, then they must naturally not consent to opinions, but have to strive with unwavering passion to establish the essential nature of things that constitute facts. However, it is not certain that accounting operations can lead to such knowledge or truth, making knowledge not an essential consideration in accounting profession. On the other hand, Juan (2007) defines accounting as ‘the art of collecting, analyzing, recording and posting, summarizing and reporting financial results in a significant and orderly manner, aimed at providing useful concepts essential in decision making.’ Juan (2007) explains that accounting operates on clearly defined fundamental principles; those working in the profession have little discretion in influencing the output of end results from accounting practices. First, accounting operates on a going concern principle, which assumes that a business entity will continue its operations for unforeseeable future without termination. Secondly, accounting assumes that businesses are legal entities different from owners. In my view, the above two concepts in accounting are much based on assumptions rather than reality, which implies their application may not lead to reality or truth, but have been put in place to facilitate a standardized approach in accounting statements under a concep tual framework. Such assumptions may not lead to truth or reality in knowledge. Hines (1988) argues that the body of knowledge on which the profession of financial accounting is based shows that such professionalization took place a round a number of personal qualities such as respectability, honesty and independence, unlike other professions which presume the existence of knowledge as the legitimate way to claim expertise and professionalism. Hine notes that the knowledge foundation of accounting profession is problematic; in order to advance the accounting profession and maintain its credibility, there was need to stem such threats of the profession caused by the underlying knowledge foundation. For example, accounts perceived in high regard in ethics and morality will presents a perception of reality and truth in their statements compared to those who do not. This explains why some accountants may be preferred over others. Therefore, the increasing advocacy for a conceptual frame work is perceived to be the best way to counteract the threat of accounting profession to social legitimacy in the accounting profession .According to Hines (1988), a conceptual framework will bring together national accounting standards, sound accounting rules, stock exchange requirements, and other statutory requirements, which may vary from country to country. In my view, a conceptual

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

World Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

World Music - Essay Example Mizwid and nay are the Arabic instruments which are categorized as aero phones (Arab Music, 2009). Bassam Saba is the master player of nay (Arabic Musical Instruments, 2007). These are used abundantly in Arabic Music in the form of ud, buzuq, qanun and rababah (Arab Music, 2009). Mohammad Abdel Karim from Syria, Matar Muhammad from Lebenon and Ali Jihad Racy from Lebanon are master players of Buzuq (Arabic Musical Instruments, 2007). They create sound of music with strike, shake or pluck. In Arabic music, sijat and mihbaj used and can be categorized in idiophones (Arab Music, 2009). Zill is an example of idiophones used by musicians and belly dancers. It is a pair of small metal made round instrument. It creates a shrill sound with strike. Example of plucked Idiophone is Qanun. Master players of qanun are: Muhammad El Aqqad from Egypt) and Abraham Salman from Iraq (Arabic Musical Instruments, 2007). These are chiefly drums. They use stretched surface to create voice. In Arabic music, the instruments are tabl, darbukkah and riqq (Arab Music, 2009). Master players of riq include Mohamed El Arabi , Adel Shams Eddine , Hossam Ramzi from Egypt (Arabic Musical Instruments, 2007). Arabic music is based chiefly on sound as it expresses emotions. Arabic texture of music is monophony in nature as it remains monophonic in nature whether one or multiple instruments voices are used (Arab Music, 2009). Maqam sets the stage for Arabic Music which is a mix of melodies and Arab meter (Arab Music, 2009). Amr Diab is the best singer in this context as his voice has best quality, texture and Arabic influence which makes one realizes the state of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mercantilism & economic school Essay Example for Free

Mercantilism economic school Essay Mercantilism was a dominant economic school on Europe in XVI-XVIII century. The theory suggests that the global turnover of international trade is constant and the prosperity of a nation depends on the government ability to support a positive balance of trade with other nations. Mercantilism considers economic assets as a set of stock including gold, silver and trade value (bullion). The way for the government to increase the capital is to intervene into economy through the system of tariffs and restrictions aimed on increase of export and decrease of import. There are several basic flaws in mercantilism. The first one is that is assumes that the turnover of international trade is stable. Thus, in case one state constantly benefits and another one constantly misses from trade the trade would very soon stop because the missing state would either become bankrupt or stop trading, leaving the advantageous state without income so both nations would loose. The second gap of mercantilism is that it does not consider costs of trade race. In case nations start to compete in increasing their export and reducing import this will cause them produce even the goods which are cheaper to buy in other countries. So, in case one nation would specialize in producing one commodity and other nation would produce another commodity, they would both benefit from exchanging those commodities. The third disadvantage of mercantilism is that it does not take into account the influence of gold on the financial system. Endless accumulation of gold and silver ruined the financial system of Spain in the XVII century, as the nation suffered from enormous inflation. The entire branches of home economy were ruined resulting in dramatic reduce of export and collapse of mercantilist economy. Absolute Advantage Theory Originally proposed by Adam Smith, this theory relies on the ability of one nation to produce commodities with fewer costs and exchange those commodities to the ones other countries produce at lower costs. The need for less resources to produce a particular good results in its lower and attractive price on the international market and allows nations to specialize in production of some exact commodities both for home market and export thusly reviving global economy. The first flaw of the absolute advantage theory is that it reviews isolated commodities. It says â€Å"in case we produce A better than another nation and another nation produces B better than we, so we would exchange†, but it does not consider relative expenses of such production. In his famous example with wine and wool produced by Portugal and Scotland Ricardo proved that although Portugal produced both with fever relative costs, it would be more advantageous for Portugal to produce only wine and let England produce wool to exchange for wine with Portugal as the relative expenses of production of wool in England are lower than of wine. The second gap of the theory is that it excludes countries which have no absolute advantage in any commodity out of global economy thus reducing the global turnover and excluding workers and financial resources of that nation out of global economy. In case this theory is applied, economy would turn into a club of nations which have certain absolute advantage in comparison to all other nations. Comparative Advantages Theory Originally proposed by David Ricardo, this theory suggests that every nation would benefit from production and export of only those goods and commodities which are produced with lower marginal costs than in other countries. Given that all the goods can be produced inside one country with an absolute advantage, this country would still benefit from import of goods which are produced with lower marginal costs in the other countries. The first remarkable disadvantage of the theory is that in case every nation would hypothetically specialize in only one commodity this would result in elimination of competition in production of this commodity and let the producing nation speculate. The lack of both home and international competition would make nation strive to reduce costs in production of this commodity reducing its quality. Other countries which are economically dependent on the import of this commodity would not be able to combat such a development. The second disadvantage which is especially obvious in the modern economy is that the relative advantages theory does considers only the flow of goods, but not capitals, investments and debts. For example, producing debts costs nothing, so it would be absolutely economically advantageous to produce debts. Yet this gives an advantage only for a very short term, while soon the nation would face a huge demand for currency to pay for the assets, and as a result the export would be ruined while the import would boost devastating the economic grounds for prosperity. The third gap is that short-term advantages can turn into long-term disadvantages. Sometimes it can be necessary for a nation to launch new industries which would become effective in a long term, so it has to give up on the comparative advantage theory to make profits in future. The Theory of Factor Endowment This is a mathematical theory of international trade proposed by Heckscher-Ohlin. Further developing Ricardo’s comparative advantage theory Heckscher-Ohlin offered to predict patterns of commerce based on endowments of a trading region. Comparative advantages are determined by the country’s funds like land, labor and natural resources. Assuming that both countries have equal technological development, each of them would benefit from trading goods requiring inputs of endowments that are locally abundant. For example, in case a nation has much land but little labor it would benefit from agricultural production. The flaws of the theory are as follows. First is that the states do not initiate trade as themselves, which is usually done by firms and corporations, and those firms strive to increase their benefit but not to make use of the factor endowment Secondly, the theory would work well in the conditions of a perfect competition that no nation ever has. The trading partners are never fully informed of the endowment factor of their vis-a-vis making it hard for them to determine the benefits of application of their own endowments. Thirdly, as the theory considers only funds, it does not look at the technological development which is never completely equal between various countries, as well as the theory does not consider the influence of organizational and management factors that can make a nation effective in production of a particular commodity even if the nation comparatively lacks endowment. Bibliography 1. Ball, Donald; McCulloh, Wendel, Geringer, Michael; Frantz, Paul; Minor, Michael. (2003). International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 9 edition. 2. Mankiw, Gregory N. (2006). Principles of Economics. South-Western College Pub; 4 edition 3. Buchholz, Todd G. (2007) New Ideas from Dead Economists: An Introduction to Modern Economic Thought Plume; Rev Upd edition

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Principle-agent Problem in Shareholders and Managers

Principle-agent Problem in Shareholders and Managers This essay identifies the principle-agent problem between shareholders and managers. It also overlooks UKs corporate governance compared to Germany and Japan. Furthermore effectiveness of UKs system will be analyzed amid recommendations to reduce the vulnerability. Economic theory speculates that a firms goal is to capitalize on shareholders wealth; achievable with entrepreneurial firm since owners are managers. However, ownership nowadays is significantly diluted, with companies owned by large shareholder groups. This causes the separation of ownership and management which hinders the relationship between shareholders and managers; where managers replace shareholders interest with their own. This may be due to information asymmetry  [1]  where managers have the power to act in accordance to shareholder needs. This is known as the agency problem and is common in modern corporate. Under this theory the relationship is formed through a binding contract whereby principals (shareholders) appoint the agents (managers) to execute services with authority to make decisions. However such contracts are imperfect as the impracticality to include every action of the agent whose decisions has an impact on their and the principals benefits. Thus, self interested behaviour arises in organisations as the interest of both parties diverges, i.e. principals interest regards maximisation of shareholders wealth (profit maximisation) whereas agents interest lies in own utility maximisation (bonuses/promotion). Shareholders permit managers to run the firms assets; resulting in a conflict of interest. The fundamental problem therefore is to align the interests of both parties. Furthermore, principals expect board of directors to base their decisions on maximising equity value. However the board of directors expect managers to follow strategies that support their goals. This situation illustrates that shareholders have no direct input into the operation and therefore have no power to tell managers what to do. This issue arises because of the separation of ownership and control and therefore managers are able to pursue goals beneficial to them and unfavourable to shareholders. Overall, detachment between the two parties increases lack of goal congruence. The question arises as to why shareholders do not monitor management? There are three reasons why taking control causes difficulties. (1) Expensive to monitor managerial activities as obtaining information is difficult (2) disgruntled shareholders are unable to pose threats in order to reduce undesirable managerial behaviour i.e. hiring an outside member and (3) dispersed shareholders have an incentive to free ride. Keasy et al 1997 regards the above as economic costs to monitoring. These limitations pose problems for shareholder wealth since undesirable managerial actions takes place in the absence of control. Shareholders may introduce incentive packages which include profit related bonuses, performance, promotion incentives and encourage employees to buy shares which increase their wages, to encourage agents to make optimal effort. Due to the above problems, nations have developed systems which carry out independent monitoring and control of the firm in order to align the overall goal. OECD 1999 stated that corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation, and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs. By doing this, it also provides the structure through which the company objectives are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring performance. In UK capital markets play a vital role where share prices advocates performance levels. Managements focus is to maximize shareholders wealth through the use of independent board of directors. The fear of takeover bids forces management to undergo effective actions. Approximately 50% of shares are held by institutional investors indicating dominant ownership. Cadbury Report 1992 states large proportion of shareholder ownership influence companys actions. In 2008 the Financial Reporting council developed the Combined Code i.e. various reports/codes pertaining good corporate governance. The most influential is Cadbury Report 1992  [2]  , was produced as the lack of monitoring management activities caused several scandals whereby executives acted in their interest. Initially, Polly Peck  [3]  went into liquidation after years of false accounting leading to scrutinizing of the financial aspects and accountability. However after the scams of BCCI and Robert Maxwell, they revised the relationship between boards, auditors and shareholders. The final report states CEOs and Chairmans of companies should be separated. Jenson 1993  [4]  states that if roles were mutual, conflict of interest would arise. Furthermore, 3 non-executive directors, two of whom should be independent  [5]  and an audit committee involving non-executives should be included. Companies were encouraged to follow these practises alongside the code of best practise which outlines other areas of concern. However the one size fits all problem was recognised by Cadbury causing all companies registered in UK to follow the comply or explain system. Companies should comply with corporate best practise or have legitimate reasons for non-compliance. Furthermore, the board must offer a full explanation to shareholders and explicate how their practises are consistent with shareholders. Its acceptable only when shareholders believe good governance has been achieved. Greenbury committee, formed to evaluate directors remuneration packages and the lack of disclosure of payments in the annual reports, commenced over publics anger regarding increases in executive pay. The report added to the Cadbury Code and advised (1) each board include a remuneration committee involving independent non-executives briefing shareholders annually and (2) directors should have LT  [6]  performance related pay, all disclosed in the annual accounts. Moreover, progress should be reviewed every 3 years to ensure companies are operating effectively. The Hampel committee  [7]  formed in 1998 suggested all previous principles should be collaborated into a Combined Code. Furthermore, the chairman of the boards should act as the leader, investors should consider voting the share and all remunerations information including pensions should be disclosed. The Turnbull Committee, created the next year, advised that directors should be held accountable for internal financial and auditing controls. Several reports have contributed to the Combined Code namely the Higgs review outlining the actions of non-executives. More recently, after the collapse of Northern Rock and the financial crisis that followed, the Walker Review formed a report concerning banking sectors. The Financial Reporting Council produced a new Stewardship Code in 2010. Germanys corporate system is mainly stakeholder oriented and diffuses away from shareholders interests. The objective is maximising stakeholder value thereby revealing several distinctive differences. Firstly, the banking sector is a major stakeholder. Charkham (1994) stated that banks hold a dominate position in financing and supervising companies for numerous reasons. (1) During 1870 companies were heavily reliant on credit. Banks began offering LT loans to LT clients who tied the companies, obtaining ownership and acting as shareholders within industrial firms. (2) Banks hold 25% of voting capital in large corporations and 28% of seats on the supervisory boards. (3) Banks are shareholder representatives, authorised to vote for their shares plus proxy shares  [8]  , giving further control. Consequently companies are unlikely to face takeovers, since banks will support them through financial hardships unlike in the UK. Secondly, co-operative culture is articulated under the Co-determination Act 1976 whereby workers obtain significant roles in the management process; known as work councils. Work council staff influence business actions and partake in decision making processes. Employees (elected by work councils) sit on the supervisory board when a firm has more than 2000 employees alongside shareholder representatives. This system reduces workforce conflicts by improving communication channels, increase bargaining power of workers through legislations and finally correct market failures. Overall productivity levels increase, with low levels of strikes as better pay and conditions entailing good industrial relations. Finally, Germany involves a two tier board compared to UKs one tier board. It includes a management board (Vorstand) where managers monitor daily operation and conduct of the firm. Plus a supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat) involving only non-executives  [9]  who monitor the management board responsibilities and approving decisions. Separation of the two increases the awareness of individual responsibilities and helps prevent management abuse. The downfall is having worker representatives on the supervisory board as they will opt for decisions beneficial for employees rather than company. For example closing down a factory may deem good for the company however problematic for redundant employees, making it is difficult to work in the best interest of the company. Germanys corporate system lies heavily on good industrial relations which considers its company, employees and public. It shows corporations are a social institution rather than an economic one as it does not put financial value for shareholders at the top of the list of policy objectives  [10]  . Shareholders are seen as one of many stakeholders and not just a privileged constituency. The Japanese corporate governance revolves around banking relations like Germany along with life time employment. There are prominent features including the intervention of government and close alliances between government and companies. Business and industrial activities are monitored by the Japanese Ministry of Finance, involving them in the management and decision process. Japanese corporate rely on main banks  [11]  which are all interlinked with firms, forming a concentrated ownership (shareholders). Prowse 1992 states that individuals hold 26.7% of a firms equity while corporations hold 67.3%. Unlike western countries, Japanese banks can hold equities up to 5%. The argument is by acting as lenders and shareholders, conflict of interests of debt providers and equity will be eradicated. Moreover banks hold these equities for long periods, building a LT banking relationship unlike UKs transactional banking. Furthermore, they are involved with the internal management by obtaining seats on the board of directors. They actively contribute in the decision process and act as insurers for companies entering financial difficulties i.e. bankruptcy or takeovers. Like Germany, banks form LT contracts with companies based on financial services and supervision and act as representatives for other shareholders through proxy votes. One major distinction in Japan is the Keiretsu system. Companies form close alliances mainly between banks, businesses and the government, by working towards each other success. The role of the government became important when they intervened in 1990s as Japan suffered a recession. The government wanted to restore the economy through its policies and regulations by improving the corporate governance to stimulate growth and investment. Germany and Japan both work toward the interest of the company and workers as a collective. However Japans board structure is different as all members consist of former employees excluding outside directors apart from bank officials. The boards have more members than UK and Germany as some companies have over 60 directors. This proves very effective as no domination of directors occur. According to Allen and Gale (2000), focusing on stakeholders rather than solely on shareholders, societies resources are being used efficiently as employees, suppliers and customers are taken into account. This enhances productivity, thus generating higher profits, benefiting the firm and shareholders. Since 1990 the UK have implemented many policies reforming the management and governance of companies. These range from codes, reports, regulation and legislations; but how effective are they? To ensure company interests are aligned with shareholders, UK has imposed various committees to monitor the effectiveness. For example, audit committees review audits annually and overlook financial relationships between companies and auditors. Nomination committees administer human resources and plans future directors. Compensation committees examine management actions and daily operations. Moreover the existence of institutional investors has its advantages as investing in firms they have incentive and motivation to monitor them. This leads to high performance levels which reduces agency costs. However, companies practise ST  [12]  profit maximisation without LT planning making companies underperform, therefore investors sell their shares and exit rather than voice their discontent (occurs mainly in Germany). Overall UKs approach in monitoring company interest is effective as companies have majority of existing shareholders through the need of committees. The Code of best practice gives shareholders confidence that companies are operating with high levels of transparency during decision making processes. From this, the comply or explain system was created, whereby some freedom is left for companies to make effective decisions. The gains from this is that (1) managers and shareholders follow the LT interest of both the company and owners (2) distinguishes the culture barrier individual firms face since there are different levels, size and ownership of companies, whereas code of best practice instils one size fits all rule. Moreover, codes are more effective than regulations as companies can grow whereas enforcing strict internal controls companies are limited to procedures. Furthermore, codes tackle more softer problems relating to best practise compared to regulations i.e. training and supporting directors in their role. The Cadbury Report reflects the above whereby The effectiveness with which boards discharge their responsibilities determines Britains competitiveness position. They must be free to drive their companies forward, but exercise that freedom within a framework of effective accountability. This is the essence of any system of good corporate governance. For this system to work effectively shareholders require full disclosure to facilitate them in their decisions and having rights when dissatisfied. Consequently companies must disclose information in their annual reports stating how they have applied the combined code and giving shareholders voting rights to discharge directors. All these requirements are set out under the company law making the system successful since it was adopted in EC  [13]  and included in the EUD  [14]  in 2006; outlining same principles. Empirical evidence show that UK has drawn close to the concept of good corporate governance. According to the FTSE ISS Corporate Governance Index and Governance Metrics International Reports, the UK has the highest average governance score out of all the countries. Moreover 94%  [15]  of UK pension Funds considered corporate standards in the UK has developed exceptionally. The following reforms revolve around two primary issues (1) lack of separation of management and control and (2) dilemma faced by non-executive directors in terms of monitoring. Accordingly UKs current reforms indicated the need for independent non-executive directors to minimise conflicts otherwise present. However, the disadvantage regarding this independence is, there is less incentive to spend a sufficient amount of time controlling company issues because they have no direct relationship with the company. In addition, doubts on how much knowledge they acquire also poses a problem. One possible pivotal solution that could be incorporated into UK governance is increasing the frequency and duration of board meetings. Company information is very broad and complex especially relating to LT financial performances, competitive position and organisational structure. Therefore it is vital that directors assign more time to assess the information and deem upon past decisions and events. It is recommended that directors meet on a monthly basis for continual supervision and allow directors to address all areas and ask specific questions that affect the future of the company. There are issues surrounding this proposal for example, preparation, however the more frequent the meetings the less time needed to prepare as oppose to the time needed for meetings held every quarter. Moreover, meetings should not be limited to a time schedule but rather should last until all aspects are covered. This method is very flexible for example meetings could last more than one day when a co mpany is in a difficult situation. The advantage is that opinions will be shared more openly and allows non-executive directors to be more involved; this should be carried when discussing the long term corporate strategy. Another solution is altering the composition of the board. In the Combined Code section A.3.2 it pronounces that at least half the board, excluding the Chairman, should comprise non-executive directors determined by the board to be independent. This does not specify the maximum number of seats in total. Therefore it is advisable that the fewer directors, the more likely that each director can play a dynamic and imperative role. The recommended number should consist of eight to ten directors in total. This is so that there is enough variety and sufficient array of viewpoints. When there are more than ten or twelve members on the board, there will be a free rider problem where some directors will stop preparing for meetings and rely on the work of others resulting in topics not being discussed in depth. Finally UK should consider adding a supervisory board like Germany and Japan as this will allow wider diversity among the decision making processes. Moreover it will reduce abuses from dominate directors since there is constant revision of management performance. Overall UK should cease to improve existing polices and the challenge lies in keeping UKs corporate governance an asset rather than a liability for companies.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Modernization Program Project Management

Modernization Program Project Management Interrelated duties or tasks implemented within a certain time in a fixed period on a certain cost with other limitations following a certain strategy is known as project ( (2016), occasionally these projects have been outsourced to a specialized outsourcing companies which are specialized in project management, in order to maximize their efficiency within available resources. Being employed by a consultancy firm, I have been given a task to complete a consultancy report so the company can reemploy and execute its Modernization Program. The report will help to identify and rectify the best abilities being executed on the basis of the detailed set of the tasks explained in this report. All the analysis and the evaluation of the said program to cover all the aspects of the execution will be provided. The relationship between the firm and Remploy will be strengthened by implemented the required changes. Reason The general objective of this venture is to modernize Remploy processing plants that are being worked by debilitated individuals to limit operational cost. Another objective is to augment the general effectiveness of all Remploy manufacturing plants by diminishing the reliance on individuals and limiting general blunders that may happen. The change must be made in a manner that the representatives dont feel constrained or debilitated by this modernization. The extent must be finished inside the given spending plan.[G9][G10] Employees must be acceptable, moved and remuneration must be given to the individuals who are not willing to acknowledge this change.[G11][G12] To guarantee that Remploy and its representatives are happy with the general execution of the program. This must be done gently. Scope Remploy is in charge of the work of crippled individuals all through the Assembled Kingdom. This includes extraordinary abilities with a specific end goal to handle incapacitated individuals and help their reintegration in the general public. Remploy has been practical since the finish of World War II and from that point forward they have been in charge of making and giving employments to a large number of impaired individuals. Through this modernization program, Remploy means to make more occupations and increment the number of individuals utilized while keeping the spending restricted. This has been remembered and a Gantt diagram has been made to meet the given time span of the venture.[G13][G14][G15] An exhaustive arrangement has additionally been set up to guarantee a smooth and simple move of Remploy to a more current working environment. This reintegration is aided by the given spending plan on which light will be shed also in this report. Objectives The program plan for this report diagrams the essential undertakings that will be required to start, arrange and execute the program for Remploy. This will likewise incorporate a definite design of the arranging of the program which will be the urgent piece of this program. All dates are well thought and plainly named. Gantt Chart S. No Task Number Task Name Start Date End Date Duration 1 1 Initialization of the program[G17] 2/1/2017 26/1/2017 20 days 2 1.1 Scope definition 2/1/2017 7/1/2017 6 days 3 1.2 Identification of roles 10/1/2017 15/1/2017 6 days 4 1.3 Finalization and Gain of approval 17/1/2017 26/1/2017 8 days 5 2 Planning of the project 27/1/2017 24/4/2017 62 days 6 2.1 Development of a plan 27/1/2017 16/3/2017 35 days 7 2.1.1 Work breakdown structure development 27/1/2017 7/2/2017 8 days 8 2.1.2 Program staffing plan 8/2/2017 16/2/2017 7 days 9 2.1.3 Program schedule plan 17/2/2017 2/3/2017 10 days 10 2.1.4 Project budget development 3/3/2017 16/3/2017 10 days 11 2.2 Project Control Plan Development 17/3/2017 24/4/2017 27 days 12 2.2.1 Technical assistance development 17/3/2017 28/3/2017 8 days 13 2.2.2 Quality management plan 29/3/2017 6/4/2017 7 days 14 2.2.3 Contingency management plan 7/4/2017 17/4/2017 7 days 15 2.3 Finalization and Gain of approval 18/4/2017 24/4/2017 5 days 16 3 Execution of the Project 25/4/2017 25/4/2021 1044 days 17 3.1 Phase One 18 3.2 Phase Two 19 3.3 Phase Three The program plan for this report diagrams the essential tasks that will be required to start, arrange and execute the program for Remploy. This will likewise incorporate a nitty gritty design of the arranging of the program which will be the critical piece of this program. All dates are well thought and plainly marked. The execution of the project will be done in three basic stages that have been estimated to take around 3-4 years depending on the number of working days and the efficiency of execution. The stages are in line with the case study of Remploy which breaks it down to its core levels. The manpower to be used has not been highlighted in the chart due to its vast and immense execution. This will need a more thoroughly thought plan to be done during the planning phase of the program. The execution phases have been described below: Phase 1 Closing of sites that have been selected for the program Transfer of employees and equipment to a new site Phase 2 Reintegration of employees in the new environment Restarting business in the new sites using transferred equipment and employees Phase 3 Help change the mindset of employees and speed up the progress of business by helping them settle down in the new environment Ensure that the business operates competitively and efficiently with the market and all legislations are satisfied COST ESTIMATION A comprehensive budget provides management with an understanding of how funds will be utilized and expanded over time for projects or operations (Insight ®, 1997). [G18]The budget for the five-year plan has been set around 555[G19] million pounds by the department of work and pension. The Minister for disabled people had set out this budget in order to reduce costs by modernization and helping disabled people compete with the competitive market. The breakdown of this budget is shown below. It should be kept in mind that Remploy is responsible for 84 factories that need to be modernized and employees relocated, therefore, the execution of the project is bound to use the maximum amount of [G20][G21]allotted money. The amount of money that remains can be used to compensate and make up for any damage that may be incurred during the implementation of the project.[G22] Task No. Item Cost (GBP) 1 Initialization of the project 100,000 1.1 Identification and Development of personnel 100,000 2 Planning of the program[G23] 11,000,000 2.1 Development of a plan 500,000 2.2 Development of project control plan 500,000 2.3 Finalization of the program[G24] 100,000 3 Execution of the program[G25] 268,000,000 3.1 Phase one 168,000,000 3.2 Phase two 50,000,000 3.3 Phase three 50,000,000 Total 279,100,000 Advantage administration arranges required to determine the advantages that will be conveyed by the usage of a venture or a program (Benefit administration arrange layout activity, 2015). In this report, an intensive advantage administration arrange has been created to guarantee that the turning points are unmistakably delineated and distinguished to guarantee that the program is on track with its encouraging. Without an advantages administration program, this report would pass up a great opportunity for one of the vital elements that should be distinguished and fill in as a reason for the execution of the program. One such advantage and encouraging to accomplishment have been laid out in the table beneath while utilizing key execution pointer as a help screen the viable use of accomplishing business destinations (Inc, 2016).[G26] BENEFIT: Reduction in operational cost KPI: Liquidity and cash flow improvement Measure Baseline Value (dd/mm/yyyy) Target Value (dd/mm/yyyy) Interim target No Source Monthly cost Reporting Forum Bi-monthly report Start date Frequency Every two months End date When will reporting finish (dd/mm/yy)?[G27] Responsibility for reporting Name Position Factory supervisor Organisation Remploy Dangers are constantly present when the usage of another program is considered. This hazard must be imagined and distinguished by the venture administration group to guarantee that the administration can handle and moderate any dangers without bringing on any money related weight. The dangers distinguished are ordinarily overseen by the firm all through the usefulness of the firm which makes is simpler for them to be taken care of. As a specialist, we are pleased with our capacity to prepare for time and deal with the program at each progression of the arrangement.[G28][G29][G30] Risk Risk Level Likelihood Mitigation Strategy Hours per person High Certain A comprehensive management approach must be applied Programme Schedule High Certain Strict policy of implementation and extra days kept for delays and losses Project deliverables Low Likely to some extent Deliverables are clear to all parties. Will be reinforced from time to time Lack of commitment Low Unlikely Team is motivated to ensure a smooth transition Media and Political pressure Medium Uncertain Constant update and communication with stakeholders and media personnel Loss of individuals Low Unlikely Retention and bonus payments provided to key individuals to keep them motivated Partner administration is the way toward dealing with the desire of any individual who has an enthusiasm for a venture or will be influenced by it and is a key initiative instrument. At the point when there is a cognizant and organized drawn nearer, partner administration secures the possession and responsibility fundamental for conveying changes (Board, no date). The accompanying graphs portray the partner administration and correspondence arranges altogether [G31]that will be actualized to guarantee that correspondence between the venture administration group and the group of Remploy will be all around educated at all time. Stakeholders need to be identified and informed about the processes going on within the program. These stakeholders are as following: Project management consultant HR team of Remploy Remploy financial experts Remploy operational expert Remploy management Equipment suppliers Office of Minister for disabled persons Equipment suppliers and contractors Employees of Remploy The following matrix shows the distribution of the above-mentioned stakeholders for the modernization program to be implemented by Remploy.   Ã‚   Introduction According to Management, a project management framework is a subset of tasks, tools, and templates used in combination by the team to envision the major elements of the projects which ar[G34]e needed to initiate a program (Guide, 2010). These elements ensure that the resources such as money, employees, equipment and time are used to their maximum potential by efficient planning, implementation, and control. This ensures that the deliverables of the project are achieved on time which helps the overall p[G35]rogress of the program. There are numerous frameworks that are used in the business world today which are there to aid the project management team to work their way around a project. These frameworks include the Risk management framework, Change management frame[G36]work, Process based management framework and lean management framework. It is not easy to decide which framework to work with since there are numerous businesses with multiple deliverables and no framework is proven to produce the best result. Two or more frameworks can sometimes be merged by a manager depending on their requirements. Two frameworks that will be discussed for this project are Change management framework and Risk management framework. The advantages, disadvantages and critical analysis of each framework are discussed below. CRITICAL JUSTIFICATION Risk Management framework Risk management framework identifies the risks involved in the project with respect to stakeholders and provides a detailed analysis of each risk. The risk management framework is widely used due to its vast application and capability of mitigating risks related to a project. The disadvantage of using this framework especially for this Modernization program would be the huge amount of expertise required to calculate and analyze all risks involved with the project. Since the program is scheduled to be implemented in five years, this can cause an, even more, uncertainty which would increase the cost related to expertise.[G37][G38][G39] Change Management framework Chance administration system distinguishes the dangers required in the venture as for partners and gives a point by point examination of each hazard. The hazard administration structure is broadly utilized because of its immense application and ability of moderating dangers identified with a venture. The detriment of utilizing this structure particularly for this Modernization program would be the enormous measure of ability required to compete and break down all dangers required with the venture. Since the program is planned to be actualized in five years, this can bring about a significantly more instability which would build the cost identified with skill.[G40][G41] Reflection and Conclusion (2016) in Available at: (Accessed: 18 December 2016). Insight ®, P. (1997) Project management and the comprehensive project budget. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Benefit management plan template initiative (2015) Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Bourda, F. (no date) Tata Consultancy Services. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Inc, K. (2016) KPI examples. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Guide, M.M. (2010) Project management framework: Definition and basic elements. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Unknown (2010) Change management framework work process improvement Charles Sturt university. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). [G1]Deleted:, [G2]Inserted: , [G3]Inserted: is [G4]Deleted:be [G5]Deleted:me [G6]Inserted: umber [G7]Deleted:qua [G8]Deleted:tity [G9]Inserted: t [G10]Deleted:d [G11]Inserted: e, [G12]Deleted:y [G13]Inserted: umber [G14]Deleted:qua [G15]Deleted:tity [G16]Deleted:d [G17]Deleted:me [G18]Inserted: a [G19]Inserted: [G20]Inserted: , [G21]Inserted: , [G22]Deleted:e [G23]Deleted:me [G24]Deleted:me [G25]Deleted:me [G26]Deleted:its [G27]Deleted:yy [G28]Inserted: r [G29]Inserted: f [G30]Deleted:f [G31]Inserted: s [G32]Inserted: the [G33]Inserted: the [G34]Inserted: , [G35]Inserted: , [G36]Inserted: to [G37]Inserted: , [G38]Inserted: , [G39]Deleted:me [G40]Inserted: e [G41]Deleted:u

Transition from Static to Dynamic Images in Wallace Stevens’ poems :: Biography Biographies Essays

Transition from Static to Dynamic Images in Wallace Stevens’ poems â€Å"Description restores vitality to the plain visual object† (Altieri, 250). Take for example when Horatio, after having seen the ghost the first act of Hamlet, notices the beginning of the new day: â€Å"But, look, the morn in russet mantle clad, walks o’er the dew of yon high eastward hill.† (Shakespeare, 347). He doesn’t say â€Å"Sun’s coming up!† and we do not read Shakespeare in hopes that he would. Instead we are given a description of the sun and it’s movement. This two part description is vital to the beginning of the entire play, and closes the scene succinctly. It provides first a visual image for the reader or listener to imagine, and then gives motion, in this case to indicate that the play has been set into motion by something outside the control of the characters. Transition from a static image to that of a dynamic one gives vitality to several of Wallace Stevens’ poems, furthering their motion and direc ting their impression. Before addressing any of Stevens’ poems, it must be made clear that this argument is narrowly focusing itself on the visual images within several of Stevens’ poems. To fully examine the sidelines and tangents of a single poem would be impossible, as the poems themselves grow with discovered philosophies, and appeal to innumerable viewpoints and interpretations. Furthermore, because the word image can have a multiplicity of meanings and derivatives, depending on the school of thought the reader has absorbed, I will constrain the definition of image, within this paper, to the stoic â€Å"To describe; especially to describe as to call up a mental picture of† (Morris, 657). In â€Å"Study of Two Pears† (Stevens 180) we find 13 sentences within a 24 line poem, and each line composed of only 4 words, on average, per line. It would seems odd for such short sentences to be so descriptive. However, â€Å"A catalogue of vivid effects would pall pretty quickly, and Stevens’ sensuous particulars do not pall. He keeps them simple, often short, and sometimes achieves a remarkable sense of presence† (Cook 154). This presence builds throughout the poem. It begins with the scientific terms for the two pears in question, â€Å"Opusculum paedagogum† and states that they are pears and â€Å"resemble nothing. Transition from Static to Dynamic Images in Wallace Stevens’ poems :: Biography Biographies Essays Transition from Static to Dynamic Images in Wallace Stevens’ poems â€Å"Description restores vitality to the plain visual object† (Altieri, 250). Take for example when Horatio, after having seen the ghost the first act of Hamlet, notices the beginning of the new day: â€Å"But, look, the morn in russet mantle clad, walks o’er the dew of yon high eastward hill.† (Shakespeare, 347). He doesn’t say â€Å"Sun’s coming up!† and we do not read Shakespeare in hopes that he would. Instead we are given a description of the sun and it’s movement. This two part description is vital to the beginning of the entire play, and closes the scene succinctly. It provides first a visual image for the reader or listener to imagine, and then gives motion, in this case to indicate that the play has been set into motion by something outside the control of the characters. Transition from a static image to that of a dynamic one gives vitality to several of Wallace Stevens’ poems, furthering their motion and direc ting their impression. Before addressing any of Stevens’ poems, it must be made clear that this argument is narrowly focusing itself on the visual images within several of Stevens’ poems. To fully examine the sidelines and tangents of a single poem would be impossible, as the poems themselves grow with discovered philosophies, and appeal to innumerable viewpoints and interpretations. Furthermore, because the word image can have a multiplicity of meanings and derivatives, depending on the school of thought the reader has absorbed, I will constrain the definition of image, within this paper, to the stoic â€Å"To describe; especially to describe as to call up a mental picture of† (Morris, 657). In â€Å"Study of Two Pears† (Stevens 180) we find 13 sentences within a 24 line poem, and each line composed of only 4 words, on average, per line. It would seems odd for such short sentences to be so descriptive. However, â€Å"A catalogue of vivid effects would pall pretty quickly, and Stevens’ sensuous particulars do not pall. He keeps them simple, often short, and sometimes achieves a remarkable sense of presence† (Cook 154). This presence builds throughout the poem. It begins with the scientific terms for the two pears in question, â€Å"Opusculum paedagogum† and states that they are pears and â€Å"resemble nothing.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Taken Over By A Computer Game :: English Literature Essays

Taken Over By A Computer Game One day I went to the computer shop and I bought a new computer game. The box in which was the computer game was, looked very nice and I couldn’t resist to buy it. Next day my parents were leaving to France and I was alone†¦ Ok not exactly alone, the baby-sitter that looked after me when I was little came to our house to look after me for 1 week. She was young and she wasn’t a really baby-sitter because she cared more about her hair and nails than about me. Later when it was dark she went out with her friends. The next day when I woke up the baby-sitter wasn’t in the house. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to call my parents but I thought and realized that if I call them and tell them that there is no one to look after me they would get worried and maybe I will ruin their trip. I tried not to worry but I couldn’t. Then I sat down and I thought for a moment†¦ Nothing could happen to me if I don’t open to anybody and if I stay home. After I watched my favorite TV show I went to play the computer game I bought yesterday. First I installed the game and then I started playing. It was a simulation game where you are supposed to drive a space ship and safely get back to earth. The first level of the game was very easy. I destroyed all the asteroids that were coming towards me but I couldn’t communicate with the station because a small asteroid hit right in the back of the ship where the communicable devices were. Now I couldn’t go back to the space station to re-fuel the space ship. On the next level something strange happened. The screen of the monitor started flickering and something white appeared before me. Suddenly I could see myself going about 500 kilometers per minute in some kind of a tunnel. It was a green and blue tunnel were I could smell something like burning plastic and I could hear a sound like grasshoppers singing. Suddenly I was standing in a place with many buttons around me, about 5 monitors and I could see asteroids through the big window in front of me. I was in the space ship.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cmis102 Assignment 1

CMIS102 Homework Assignment 1 (Worth 13% of your grade) Problem definition: Calculate the usable area in square feet of house. Assume that the house has a maximum of four rooms, and that each room is rectangular. A. Problem Analysis – Following the directions in the assignment, clearly write up your problem analysis in this section. This program will compute the area of a house that has four rectangular rooms. Output is the value of the total area (total_area) of the house and is to be calculated by area/length/width input (A1, A2, A3, A4, L1, L2, L3, L4, W1, W2, W3, and W4) variables declared as float variables.The program will utilize the standard mathematical formula of obtaining area of a rectangle: A = L*W. As well, the formula will be coded in the program as Area=length*width (A=L*W) respectively for each room. L1 = length of first room, as float W1 = width of first room, as float A1=L1*W1 L2 = length of first room, as float W2 = width of first room, as float A2=L2*W2 L3 = length of first room, as float W3 = width of first room, as float A3=L3*W3 L4 = length of first room, as float W4 = width of first room, as float A4=L4*W4 B.Program Design – Following the directions in the assignment, clearly write up your problem design in this section and comment your pseudocode. Raptor software will be used in designing and testing this program. The three fundamental tasks of creating a program will be incorporated: 1) Input Data: Use of Raptor to add Input and Assignment symbols will allow user to input data when running the program. The Main and Input_Data modules will heavily use the Input and Assignment symbols in Raptor. In the Input_Data_module, variables will be assigned and declared.As well, the Main module will execute the entire program by calling the completed sub-charts. 2) Calculate formula: Use formulas to attain total_area of the house by calculating area of each of the four rooms. total_area = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 to get the sums of all are as we must calculate the formula for each room A1 = L1*W1 A2 = L2*W2 A3 = L3*W3 A4 = L4*W4 3) Obtain Output: The program will display the result of total_area from process and calculation in the previous two steps. The design of the modular program will be created in Raptor and the design will look like this: Main module:Comment: â€Å"This program computes the total area of a four bedroom house in square footage. Call Input_Data_module Call Calculations_module Call Output_Data_module End Input_Data_Module: Write â€Å"Length of first room† (L1) Write â€Å"Width of first room† (W1) Write â€Å"Length of second room† (L2) Write â€Å"Width of second room† (W2) Write â€Å"Length of third room† (L3) Write â€Å"Width of third room† (W3) Write â€Å"Length of fourth room† (L4) Write â€Å"Width of fourth room† (W4) Call Calculations_module End Perform Calculations module: Declare A1, A2, A3, and A4; as floatSet A1 = L1*W1 Set A2 = L2*W2 Set A3 = L3*W3 Set A4 = L4*W4 Set total_area = (A1+A2+A3+A4) End Output Data module: Write â€Å"The total area of house is:† + total_area End C. Program Comments and Test Data – Following the directions in the assignment, include your test data and expected results in this section. Table 1. Include your test data table here TEST RUN OF DATA INPUT INTO PROGRAM Room#:| Input: Length & Width (in feet)| | Expected Output: Footage of house (in feet)| | Test Run 1| Area of Rectangle 😠 A=L*W| Room 1| L=10, W=5| | 50=10*5|Room 2| L=10, W=5| | 50=10*5| Room 3| L=10, W=5| | 50=10*5| Room 4| L=10, W=5| | 50=10*5| | Total Area=A1+A2+A3+A4:| 200 sq ft. | | Test Run 2| Area of Rectangle 😠 A=L*W| Room 1| L=12, W=6| | 72=12*6| Room 2| L=12, W=6| | 72=12*6| Room 3| L=12, W=6| | 72=12*6| Room 4| L=12, W=6| | 72=12*6| | Total Area=A1+A2+A3+A4:| 288 sq ft. | | Test Run 3| Area of Rectangle 😠 A=L*W| Room 1| L=20, W=10| | 200=20*10| Room 2| L=20, W=10| 200=20* 10| Room 3| L=20, W=10| 200=20*10| Room 4| L=20, W=10| | 200=20*10| | Total Area=A1+A2+A3+A4:| 800 sq ft. |